Update a contact in the database via an http form post.
Post Url
- SSL is required
Important Note
Submitting a blank field (for all non-required fields) will result in clearing the data for that field out of the database. If you don’t want to change a field, do not submit it with the form.
Form Fields
Field | Max Length* | Required | Notes |
response_type | Yes | Set this field value to json to return results in JSON format | |
accountid | Yes | Must be numeric. Account ID for this account. | |
apikey | Yes | API Key for this account. | |
identifymethod | 1 | Yes | Values: 1 : By contactid (It’s recommended that you use this method and store our contactid in your system) 2 : By primary email on file. If there are multiple matches for the email address, we will choose the first one (by add date) 3: By email or other email on file. If there are multiple matches for the email address, we will choose the first one (by add date) |
identifyvalue | 75 | Yes | Value changes based on indentifymethod. Must be integer if contactid, otherwise must be an email address on file |
firstname | 50 | No | Database requires both first and last name |
lastname | 50 | No | Database requires both first and last name |
birthday | 10 | No | Birthday year is optional. Use only formats MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY. Zero pad leading digits, so month and day are always 2 digits. January 5th is 01/05. |
otherfirstname | 50 | No | |
otherlastname | 50 | No | |
otherbirthday | 10 | No | Birthday year is optional. Use only formats MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY. Zero pad leading digits, so month and day are always 2 digits. January 5th is 01/05. |
company | 50 | No | |
address | 50 | No | |
city | 50 | No | |
state | 20 | No | Recommended that this be the 2 digit state code for US addresses |
postalcode | 20 | No | |
phone1 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone1note | 20 | No | Recommended that description is used if known (work, home, mobile, etc…) |
phone2 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone2note | 20 | No | |
phone3 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone3note | 20 | No | |
phone4 | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
phone4note | 20 | No | |
fax | 20 | No | Will automatically be formatted to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
75 | No | ||
custom1 | 50 | No | |
… | … | … | Custom 1 through 20 |
custom20 | 50 | No | |
memo | 50 | No | Brief memo for contact. This is not a note, but a brief memo that shows up on the contact’s page. Recommended less than 100 characters. |
category | 50 | No | Must match the name of an existing Category exactly. Any mismatch will result in the category not being assigned. |
category2 | 50 | No | Must match the name of an existing Category2 exactly. Any mismatch will result in the category2 not being assigned. (This is the customizable contact) |
source | 50 | No | Must match the name of an existing Source exactly. Any mismatch will result in the source not being assigned. |
othersystemid | 32 | No | For tracking the ID of this contact in another system |
* An error will not result if Max Length is exceeded. Data will be trimmed to this length.
Sample Results
Success Message
<?xml version="1.0"?> <results> <message>Success</message> <contactid>15631</contactid> </results>
Sample Failure Message
<?xml version="1.0"?> <results> <error>Authentication failed</error> </results> <?xml version="1.0"?> <results> <error>Update failed: Contact not found</error> </results>